Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Migrate old backups of DS4Windows Profiles

files are stored in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\DS4Windows\Profiles

 Just copy over the old profiles, and delete the newest "default" profile. 

Adding A Flatiron Customization To Your Terminal in VSCode


Adding A Flatiron Customization To Your Terminal

  1. Start out by making a backup for your .bashrc

    mv .bashrc .bashrc.bak
  2. We will want a tool for converting Windows endings to Unix endings for our new .bashrc

    sudo apt-get install dos2unix
  3. download the new .bashrc

    curl -R "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flatiron-school/dotfiles/master/.bashrc-windows" >> $HOME/.bashrc
  4. We'll use our converter to convert our bashrc to use the right unix endings:

    dos2unix .bashrc
If you get error, try completely closing VSCODE and reopening, and it should be a customized terminal now.